“The greatest gift we ever had came from God; we call him Dad!”
A myriad of emotions and thoughts play through our hearts and minds especially since our lives changed irrevocably on 30th November 2019. On that day we lost the man in our corner; the man who always had our backs; the man who walked alongside us. You carried us when we could not walk , striding steadfastly with us from infancy. You knew just when to intervene and when to let us venture out on our own, with the reassurance that you would be there to bear us up whenever we were in need.
In 2010, on Fathers’ day after we celebrated you, you said to us – “Thank you all very much. I am lost for words and my eyes are filled up. You Oliver-Commeylets are simply wonderful. I have had great joy in being a father to all of you and I thank the good Lord that you have done so well for yourselves. I set you up on your way in life but YOU ran the race and achieved your successes. I pray that you may enjoy stress free lives and achieve further laurels. May the peace of God be upon you all.”
Daddy – you did more than set us up. You loved us fiercely , jealously and yet so tenderly; coupled with the right dose of discipline. You were our loudest champion and often knew what we needed even before we asked.
You had a way of making each of us feel like we were the most loved child. Yet you were careful not to show any favouritism. The pride with which you showed us off and introduced us as your children, cemented self confidence in us. Sometimes whilst out (with one of us girls), to catch a bite or grab a drink you will jokingly introduce us as your girlfriends knowing it would make us laugh.
Your healthy sense of humour and cheerful laugh were key components in our household.
The list of things we will miss about you is infinite; Us picking your wise brain for yet another dilemma we find ourselves in; Us engaging in lengthy discussions about every topic under the sun; You recounting hilarious stories of all your adventures ( and misadventures) in life; Your unique way with words and interesting vocabulary; You interacting with your grandchildren and sub-consciously slipping into the role of their pediatrician; Your beautiful penmanship - endearing letters, greeting cards and most recently WhatsApp messages which we will cherish forever.
As we became parents, we gained an even better appreciation of how much effort went into being the selfless doctor, teacher and involved father that you were. You adapted your parenting style to suit each child’s personality and situation at hand in a seemingly effortless manner and created special memories with us all.
Daddy, I knew I had to write this tribute one day but hoped not for a while yet! You have been a loving father to me and my siblings and wanted the very best for us. You were a towering and powerful example to follow and encouraged me to be the best version of myself. I recall a card you sent to wish me good luck in an exam, with the simple message “Show them you are my daughter”. Of course, that scared me no end because I knew what great intellect you had. Your often simple and profound advice has been a guide throughout my life.
There’s much to be said about your pride in me as your daughter. Every milestone in my life, big or small brought you so much joy and you were very generous with your compli- ments. You made it a point to introduce and show me off at every opportunity, often for no reason at all to anyone who would listen. “This is my eldest daughter”, you would say, beaming with pride! I am treated with utmost respect and admiration by strangers, solely for being a child of Prof. Joseph Odai Oliver-Commey. Many have recounted how you have richly influenced their lives and the depth of gratitude they owe to you. I have been truly blessed to have a father such as this!
Daddy, I will miss our lunch dates and your tender, beautiful and precious handwritten letters. Although I am sad and feel cheated you are gone, I will remember that God bless- ed you with a full, successful and happy life and for that I am thankful!
Numo. Tse kpakpa . Yaa wo odzogbaan.
It is very difficult for me to express my feelings in words. By nature, I am a very shy person; a man of few words. We have been through a lot. You have taught me a lot . I am who I am now because you loved and cared for me . You taught me a man had to be responsi- ble and the greatest inheritance one could leave his children was education . When you held my hand and echoed these words on your sick bed . 'Thank you, my son ,I couldn't have asked for a better son.' I knew the time was up.
Daddy , today I re- echo the same words to you ,Thank you daddy. I could not have wished for a better dad.
And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, Steals on the ear the distant triumph song, And hearts are brave, again, and arms are strong.
Rest well Daddy ,your labour has not and will never be in vain . This I promise you.
Naa Okailey aka Dodi
“My Son,” why have you left me all alone? How do I move on without you?
The one person who cheered me on through thick and thin. I remember once someone described me as queer and you said to them, “No, she’s unique”. That warmed my heart from within.
We shared a special bond because I was born the very day that your beloved mother was laid to rest. You named me after her and it has been said that I do take after her. You urged me to return to Canada, the land of my birth. Although far away, from you I never felt neglect; nothing but utmost love and respect. I am grateful for your wise counsel. The legacy you have left I feel prepared to handle.
I always believed I could tell what you thought and what you felt. Especially in the last few years when you spoke less and less. My admiration for you during these times blossomed as I watched you stay positive even in the face of adversity. I remember spending the nights with you in your hospital room and sometimes seeing the fleeting fear in your eyes when things were not going well. Yet you still found time to worry about how I was doing. I am grateful that you got to see, hold, play and spend quality time with your last grandchild. You had jokingly asked permission to “bow out” now that she had arrived and you had seen her. Now that you are gone, I pray you rest well. I am grateful to have called you father (and son) and would not trade you for any other. I love you loads and will cherish your memories the most.
Adjorkor aka Aakor
Daddy, Ataa Odai, My Pols – I cannot imagine a world where I do not get to hear your voice, hear you laugh or get to engage in endless dialogue covering a multitude of subjects. It was a joy to develop the love of English language at your feet. I recall fondly how I came to you searching for a synonym for thieves and without missing a beat you answered – “uninvited persons from without”. I remain in awe of you, even more so since your departure; for your selflessness and national pride. When I told you that I never intend to permanently settle overseas – your pride was evident and you calmly stated “That would be wonderful, for as you may gain residency or citizenship elsewhere, it would be unfortunate for mother Ghana to lose one of its illustrious citizens.” I wish you would have lived to see the day I return indefinitely but alas that was not to be. The month of May will never be the same again for it was our special month when we celebrated our birthdays ten days apart. Though you may be gone physically, I still feel your presence and will cherish our memories forever. You inspired me beyond words and more than ever I am motivated to make the most of this life regardless of what comes my way. Perhaps the best compliment I have received is to have been told that maybe I am almost…almost just as humorous as you were.
So long my Senior Taurean – till we meet again. From Your very own baby last and junior Taurean.
“Ataa Odai”, Your babies will miss you! You had many daughters and sons; many called you father but we liked knowing we were the “authentic” ones yet more than happy to share . Many of your sons and daughters rallied around you especially in the last few years. We are truly comforted that we got to spend so many blessed, happy and fulfilled years with you. We truly appreciate your influence in our lives; the essence of hard work, perseverance, loyalty, humility, the love and thirst for knowledge and readiness to embrace all life’s adventures. As you will say occasionally “It is about mind over matter”.
You were blessed with a full life and left surrounded by love.
“Nuums”, You will never be far from our hearts. We hope you left knowing you were absolutely loved, worshiped and adored beyond words.
Requiesce in pace! Donec iterum convenient. Rest in Peace! Till we meet again.